Track 1

Communication Signal Processing

1. Track Chairs:
Assoc. Prof. Li Zhang, University of Leeds, UK
Prof. Tao Zhou, Beijing Jiaotong University, China
Prof. Zengli Liu, Kunming University of Science and Technology, China
Assoc. Prof. Yi Peng, Kunming University of Science and Technology, China
Assoc. Prof. You You, Purple Mountain Laboratories, China

2. Track Topics:
Potential topics of interest include but are not limited to:

▪ Modulation and Channel Coding
▪ Communication and Broadband Networks
▪ Multimedia Communications
▪ Signal Processing for Internet and Wireless Communications
▪ Data Communications
▪ RF and Wireless Communications
▪ Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks
▪ Signal Processing in Mobile Communications
▪ Signal Processing in Optical Communications
▪ Next Generation Mobile Communications
▪ 5G Communications and Networks
▪ Signal Processing in Software Radio Realization
▪ Satellite Communication
▪ Multirate Signal Processing in Communications

3. Introduction of Track Chairs

Assoc. Prof. Li Zhang, University of Leeds, UK

Dr. Li Zhang is an Associate Professor and leads the Wireless Communication Group at the school of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Leeds, UK. Her research interest is focused on wireless communication techniques, such as massive MIMO, mmWave communications, UAV aided networks, Device to Device communications, 5G and beyond techniques and high-speed rail communications etc. She has served as a member of the prestigious UK EPSRC Peer Review College since 2006, and regularly helps in reviewing grant applications from different countries and book proposals for several publishers. She has been the PI for 11 grants which have a combined value of £850,000 and has participated in 5 large-scale research grants with a total value of £9.5M. She has published more than 140 peer reviewed papers. In 2005, she received a Nuffield award. In 2006, she became a fellow of the Higher Education Academy. In 2011, she received recognition as an IEEE exemplary reviewer and in 2012 she was promoted to senior IEEE member.

Prof. Tao Zhou, Beijing Jiaotong University, China

Tao Zhou received the B.E. degree from Changchun University of Science and Technology, Changchun, China, in 2009 and Ph.D. degree from Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China, in 2016. From 2014 to 2015, he was a visiting Ph.D. student in the Centre for Communication Systems, School of Engineering and Computing Sciences, Durham University, U.K. Since 2022, he has been a full Professor of the School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University. He has authored one academic book and over 80 papers in refereed journals and conference proceedings. His current research interests include channel measurement and modeling, artificial intelligence for wireless communications, and 5G/6G key technologies. Dr. Zhou is a Senior Member of IEEE, Chinese Institute of Electronics, and China Institute of Communications. He has been an Associate Editor of IEEE Access, an Academic Editor of International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, a Guest Associate Editor of Radio Science, and a Guest Editor of Symmetry. He has served as a TPC Member for IEEE ICC 2020, IEEE VTC 2019 Fall, and IEEE ICCC 2021, a Session Chair for WCSP 2020, and a Track Chair for ICSPS 2022.

Prof. Zengli Liu, Kunming University of Science and Technology, China

Liu Zengli graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Radio Technology from the Department of Electronic Engineering at Harbin Institute of Shipbuilding Engineering in 1987, and with a Master's degree in Weapon System and Application Engineering (Underwater Signal Detection and Processing) from the School of Navigation Engineering at Northwestern Polytechnical University in 1999. Liu has worked at the 750 of China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, the School of Information Engineering and Automation at Kunming University of Science and Technology, and the Computing Center.
Liu's research and design work focuses on vibration and noise signals, underwater acoustic signal processing and analysis, and communication and information processing systems. Liu has led and completed two major projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and has received one second prize and one third prize for scientific and technological progress from the China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation. Liu has been involved in over 10 scientific research projects, including those related to national defense and the military industry, National Natural Science Foundation projects, and Yunnan Province Applied Basic Research Program projects. Liu's collaborative efforts have resulted in the publication of one monograph and over 85 academic papers, which have been cited more than 32 times in EI, SCI, ISTP, and other indexes; Liu holds 5 invention patents and 52 utility model patents.

Assoc. Prof. Yi Peng, Kunming University of Science and Technology, China

Peng Yi, Director of the Communication Department at the School of Information Engineering and Automation and a member of the Yunnan Communication Society, has extensive experience in wireless communication, communication systems, and their intelligent information processing, emergency communication, and related fields. Peng has over 20 years of teaching experience and has led a research project funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. As a project leader, Peng has directed multiple initiatives, including projects funded by the Yunnan Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Yunnan Provincial Department of Education, Yunnan Food Safety Research Institute, and Kunming University of Technology's Youth Fund and Educational Technology Research Projects. Peng has published over 30 academic papers at significant international academic conferences, domestic journals, and conferences, including more than 20 articles indexed in SCI and EI as A-class publications. In recent years, Peng has applied for and received authorization for over 60 patents, encompassing invention patents, utility model patents, and software copyrights.

Assoc. Prof. You You, Purple Mountain Laboratories, China

You You received the B.S. degree in Information Science and Engineering from Southeast University in 2012, and the M.S.E. degree in Communications and Signal Processing from the University of Leeds and Nanjing University of Science & Technology, in 2015 and 2016, respectively, and the Ph.D. degrees from the University of Leeds in 2021. He is currently an Associate Professor with the Purple Mountain Laboratories, Nanjing, China. His research interest is focused on algorithms and implementations for signal processing and communication systems. He has published more than 10 articles indexed in SCI and EI as the first author. He has applied for and received authorization for over 10 invention patents. He has been a Topic Coordinators of Frontiers in Communications and Networks. He has served as a Tutorial Speaker for IEEE APCCAS 2022, a Local Arrangement Chair for ICTC 2022 and ICTC 2023, and a Session chair for ICCT 2022.